Yes, this is totally personal opinion and your opinion probably varies from mine. And it is fine that you're wrong...
I kid, well, mostly. When I am scrolling around Instagram (Here's mine, BTW), a page with nothing but "grip and grin" fish photos gets a hard pass from me. They just don't interest me. Most fishes look pretty much the same unless there is something really unique about them that gives them more of a story. I have nothing against taking them, I've taken my share (see below). I want, I don't know, more.
And I know it is a pretty unpopular opinion but unless there is more to it - a story, a truly unique fish (they are quite rare, IMHO), a first fish, first fish in a new place, etc., fish photos sort of bore me. I help manage the Wisconsin Trout Unlimited Facebook and Instagram pages and "Gratuitous Fish Picture Monday" is by far our most popular posts. And the images are fine, they just don't often excite me much. I totally understand that my opinion is unpopular and I even understand why that is the case (well, sort of).

Look at that red adipose fin, isn't that cool?

Cutthroat Trout - you don't see those every day, at least not in Wisconsin. That's pretty cool...

Bored yet? I am. What am I trying to say? Fish photos are fine, the same way that your fast food burger is fine. There is a place for the fast food burger and there is a place for the grip and grin or just the grip. Its fine. But most of the time, I want something more. Here's my challenge, find a way to sell a more unique story, to do something different than the fast food burger.

Hey, that's a little different!

Now that's a pretty cool shot and the fly gives you a bit of a story. The texture in the close up is something different. You've got my attention.

Now, a few confessions. When I say your fish photos bore me, it is not to slight you and your experiences but they don't mean a lot to me. Your fish photos are likely to be important to you - and that's what it really should be all about. I hold some of the above images up as interesting and how it should be done. Truth is many of them are dated and I think in a few cases, they're not my images. I've always been more of a scenery shot taker than a fish photo taker. That is me. You do you.
By all means, document your catch if that is important to you. It's not to me. I had a difficult time finding a ton of fish pictures because I just do not take them that often. If you do, great! I hope it is something that makes you happy, in which case, please share away. If you'd like to play around and try some different photos - something other than the grip and/or grin - I hope you share them.